As AJP has not be started yet, the association has taken a decision to make International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Physiology (IJCEP) as the official organ of ASSOPI. Dr. G. K. Pal who has started this journal as EIC with Head Office at Department of Physiology, JIPMER Puducherry will be the Executive Editor of the journal. EIC will be selected/elected every two years as per bylaws of the association.
The office of Dr. G. K. Pal currently the office of ED & CEO, AIIMS Patna will be the executive office of the journal.
Office Bearers
The following 15 members of ASSOPI will be designated as office bearers (OB) of the association.
General Secretary
Founder President
Immediate Past President
Four Vice-Presidents
Finance Secretary
Executive Editor, IJCEP
Editor-in-Chief, IJCEP
Four Joint Secretaries
Tenure and Eligibility of Office Bearers and EB Members:
All office bearers and EB members will be elected by the General Body of ASSOPI, for which nominations will be called by General Secretary, along with the nomination for awards of ASSOPI, through the official news bulletin. The tenure of elected office bearers will be for a period of ‘two years’. The following criteria should be fulfilled to contest for the post of office bearers of ASSOPI
President: Should be a life member of ASSOPI with minimum of 20 years standing as a Physiologist, after obtaining MD/PhD degree.
Vice-Presidents: Should be a life member of ASSOPI with minimum of 15 years standing as a Physiologist, after obtaining MD/PhD degree.
General Secretary: Should be a life member of ASSOPI with minimum of 15 years standing as a Physiologist, after obtaining MD/PhD degree.
Finance Secretary: Should be a life member of ASSOPI with minimum of 10 years standing as a Physiologist, after obtaining MD/PhD degree.
Editor-in-Chief: Should be a life member of ASSOPI with minimum of 15 years standing as a Physiologist, after obtaining MD/PhD degree, and must have minimum 10 research publications in PubMed indexed journals.
Joint Secretaries: Should be a life member of ASSOPI with minimum of 8 years standing as a Physiologist, after obtaining MD/PhD degree.
EB Members: Should be a life member of ASSOPI with minimum of 5 years standing as a Physiologist, after obtaining MD/PhD degree
Annual Conference of ASSOPI:
For conducting Annual conferences, academic and other infrastructure of the institute proposed to organize the conference should be assessed by office bearers, a year before the conference, before giving permission for holding annual conference. A checklist should be made to assess the merit of a center to organize annual conference of ASSOPI. For getting approval of GB to organize the conference, the organizing secretary has to produce an authorization letter from head of the institute for conducting the conference. The organizing secretary of the annual conference should be a life member of ASSOPI and should have attended at least 2 annual conferences. Though preferably the annual conference should be conducted during October-December, the exact dates, duration, theme and scientific content of the conference will be decided by the organizing committee. All financial transactions for the conference should be operated by a bank account in the name of the conference opened in the national bank in the city. The 5% of the total money collected for organizing the annual conference (that includes delegation fees, collections from funding agencies, money raised by advertisement in conference souvenir, and stalls put up at conference venue by equipment or book companies etc.) should be contributed to ASSOPI. After the conference, preferably within six months, an audited report of the conference expenses should be sent to the ASSOPI head quarter for record.
Zonal Chapters and Branches:
Efforts should be made to start zonal chapters and branches of ASSOPI. Respective VPs and joint secretaries of zones should make sincere efforts to form chapters in the respective zones under their supervision. For zonal chapters, there will be a Branch President, Branch-Vice President, Branch Secretary, a Branch Treasurer and about 5 Branch EB members to be nominated / elected by the zonal chapter in consultation with the vice president and joint secretary of respective zone. All ‘Branch activities’ should be conducted under the banner of ASSOPI. The secretary of the ASSOPI branch should obtain a written approval from President/General Seceretary of ASSOPI for holding local CME/Symposium/ Workshop/Conference. For all financial transactions of zonal chapters and branches, a bank account in the name of the chapter should be opened in a national bank in their locality, which should be jointly operated by secretary and treasurer of the chapter. Internally audited report of financial expenses (February of previous year to March of that year) of the branches should be submitted to ASSOPI, every year preferably by end of May, that year
Attendance in Executive Body Meeting:
All the office bearers of ASSOPI, EB members of ASSOPI and Convener or Secretary approved by ASSOPI can participate in EB meeting, which will be held during conference, preferably before the inauguration of annual conference. Conference Organizing Secretary will be the special invitee for the EB meeting to be held during the conference.
General Body Meeting:
General body will be the supreme in all aspects of ASSOPI. All the important decisions of office bearers and executive body must be endorsed by the general body. The GB will be held during annual conference, preferably on the second day. Only the life-members of ASSOPI will have voting right in GB. An Emergency GB may be called under special circumstances, with minimum 15 days-notice to all the life members, to address emergency issues of the association. At least one-third of the life members of the association should be present to have the quorum for the GB meetings.
Fellowship Title:
FAPI: The ASSOPI will confer Fellowship title “FAPI” (Fellow of Association of Physiologists of India) to eligible members. Every year, maximum of five numbers of Fellowship title can be given to eligible members of ASSOPI. The General Secretary through ‘ASSOPI News Letter’ will circulate to all the members of ASSOPI inviting application for fellowship title along the invitation for ASSOPI Awards. A member with minimum 20 years post-MD or Post-PhD teaching and research experience and with minimum of 10 PubMed indexed publications will be eligible to apply for Fellowship title. However, eligibility of the applicant for the fellowship does not guarantee the conferment of fellowship. A committee duly constituted by office bearers of ASSOPI will scrutinize the application and finalize the list of members (maximum five in a year) for the fellowship title. Rupees one thousand should be paid as application fee (non-refundable) and rupees ten thousand should be paid by the nominee along with the application for the fellowship. The recipient of fellowship title can add ‘FAPI’ as a fellowship degree to his name. If the applicant does not receive the fellowship title, the money paid by him will be refunded to him within one month of finalization of the fellowship list.
Institution of Awards/ New Awards
Following awards have been instituted by the association:
Prof. A. S. Paintal Award for best research work in Physiology
Dr. Artatran Nanda Memorial Award for best research work in Respiratory Physiology
Prof. S. B. Deshpande Award for best research work in Neurophysiology
Prof. G. K. Pal Award for best research work in Cardiovascular Physiology
JIPMER Golden ASSOPICON Award for best research work conducted by a postgraduate student in Physiology
Mr. S. N. Choudary Memorial Award for best research work in Environmental Physiology
Sri Ram Murthy Memorial Award for best research work in Yoga and Naturopathy
Prof. S. K. Singh Award for best research work conducted by an undergraduate medical student
Ramesh Bijlani Lifetime Achievement Award in Medical Sciences
Shri B. M. Patil Memorial Award for best research work in physiology by a Scientist below the age of 45 years
Prof. Narsingh Verma Award for best research work in Chronobiology
Institution of New Awards: The application for institution of new awards of ASSOPI will be reviewed by a committee (Committee for scrutinization of award proposals) of ASSOPI. For any new award to be introduced in the name of a person, the person concerned should have substantial contribution in the particular field of academics and research. For a ‘Research award’, the name of the person nominated for the award should have a minimum of 15 PubMed indexed publications in the concerned field of research. For a ‘Memorial award’, the person in whose memory the award will be instituted, should have some standing in the concerned field. The committee (Committee for securitization of award proposals) duly constituted for the purpose will assess the merit of the proposal, and the recommendation of the committee will be placed before the EB and GB for approval.
The award will have a citation and a plaque. The corpus fund for the award should be sufficient enough to sustain the money required for making citation and the plaque annually. The corpus fund (the money for institution of the award) should not be less than five lakhs, which should be paid as one time payment to the association. However, the minimum corpus fund for the award will be revised from time to time so as to generate the adequate money from the interest of the fixed deposit of the corpus fund to make every year the citation and the plaque of the award
Association News Letter:
A bimonthly newsletter should be published by General Secretary of ASSOPI and circulated to all members of ASSOPI through e-mails, and should be displayed in the ASSOPI website.
Fund-raising, Bank Account and Audited Report:
The fund for the association can be raised through advertisements in ASSOPI website, news-letter and ASSOPI journal, donations to the association and award seed-money. The organizing secretary of the annual conference should contribute a minimum of 5% of money collected from organization of the conference (that includes delegation fees, advertisements, stalls at conference venue, etc.) to the association.
For smooth financial transactions, the treasurer should preferably be from the city of head office of ASSOPI (Puducherry). All the audited-expenses of the association and of the journal for the preceding financial year will be presented by General Secretary and Editor-in-Chief of ASSOPI journal respectively in the EB meeting and GB meeting to be held during the conference. Also, they will present their annual reports in the EB and GB.
Organizing secretary of the annual conference should be a life member of ASSOPI and should have attended at least two annual conferences of ASSOPI.
Office bearers of ASSOPI are eligible for ASSOPI Awards and fellowship title during their tenure.